

One of your Registry files has been corrupted. SOLUTION: Boot your computer with the Windows XP CD; Click on the first R (for Repair); Follow the ...

How Do I Repair A Stop c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The ...

This type of error usually indicated that the pc has refused to start because of a corruption within the registry. The following should remedy the problem.

c0000218 {Registry File Failure} when tried to boot Windows XP

The only way I've found to get the laptop to boot normally is to first boot in Safe Mode with Networking and schedule the full hard drive error checking.

stop c0000218 registy file failure

The registry cannot load the hive (file): -SystemRoot-System32-Config-SOFTWARE or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writeable.

Error Message c0000218 {Registry File Failure}

The Software part of your registry is damaged. If you have system restore turned on there should be no need to reformat.

STOP:c0000218 {Registry File Failure} - Insus.NET

从Windows 2003重启服务器,再没有出现那蓝色错误,预感中问题已经解决了。最后出现登录对话框,登录系统。一切回归正常。重启过程没有出现丁点错误......

Error Message C0000218 Registry File Failure(WidowsXP)

It appears to be an issue with hard drive of your computer and need replacement. If the system is under warranty, you may private message me the ...

STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure}

It usually means that the Device Manager cannot start the hardware device or it does not recognize it and or, drivers for the device needs ...

C0000218 {Registry File Failure} the registry cannot load the hive ...

The registry cannot load the hive (file) System Root-System 32-Config-Software of its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.

Fix Stop c0000218 Registry File Failure with UBCD4WIN by Britec

Fix Stop c0000218 Registry File Failure with UBCD4WIN by Britec STOP: c0000218 (registry file failure) and then it cannot load the hive ...


OneofyourRegistryfileshasbeencorrupted.SOLUTION:BootyourcomputerwiththeWindowsXPCD;ClickonthefirstR(forRepair);Followthe ...,Thistypeoferrorusuallyindicatedthatthepchasrefusedtostartbecauseofacorruptionwithintheregistry.Thefollowingshouldremedytheproblem.,TheonlywayI'vefoundtogetthelaptoptobootnormallyistofirstbootinSafeModewithNetworkingandschedulethefullharddriveerrorchecking.,Theregistrycan...